Fostering panel
The Fostering Regulations 2011 requires each Local Authority to have a Fostering Panel. The function of the Panel is to consider new applications to foster and any changes to the approval of existing foster carers. Recommendations are made to the Agency Decision Maker who will make the final decision. Panel will consider suitability to foster and recommend the approval details including the number, type, age range and gender of children to be placed.
Staffordshire has a central list of Panel Members that include independent members as well as representatives from the Children and Family Services. The independent members all come from within the Staffordshire community and have a range of relevant experience. All panel members have signed a Confidentiality Agreement and have been checked through the Criminal Records Bureau.
The panel meets on a weekly basis. The Fostering Panel Administrator also attends to take minutes of the meeting and sometimes there may be an observer present. The panel is supported by a Panel Advisor. They are there in an advisory capacity only and do not influence the panels recommendations.
Your Fostering Social Worker will attend with you. If you are a Family and Friends Carer, the Social Worker for the child or children that you are caring for already or plan to care for will also be invited to attend.
All new applicants and approved carers following their first review are invited and encouraged to attend Fostering Panel. The meeting is a formal one where there is an opportunity for the Panel to ask questions and clarify any issues. You can also ask any questions of the Panel Members present. The Fostering Panel Members feel that it is important that applicants and existing carers attend so that they can contribute to the discussion that will ultimately make recommendations regarding approvals. Carers who have attended the Fostering Panel have valued the experience of being able to represent themselves and Panel Members always welcome the opportunity to meet prospective and existing foster carers.
The Fostering Panel make a recommendation to the Agency Decision Maker. However, they will normally inform you at the end of the discussion of their recommendation. You will receive written confirmation of the Agency Decision within ten working days.
The Agency Decision Maker may not agree with the panel’s recommendation. You will be informed of this in the letter. In circumstances where the Agency Decision Maker does not agree to an applicant being approved as a foster carer the reasons for this decision will be set out in the letter. This is known as a Qualifying Determination.