Child's Social Worker
Visiting Pattern
There are minimum requirements for Social Worker visits to children who are cared for by the Local Authority. These visits should take place as often as the circumstances of the individual child and placement require, but at the very least:
(a) Within one week of the beginning of placement
(b) Then at intervals of not more than 6 weeks during the first year
(c) Thereafter at intervals of, no more than 6 weeks (or three months if it has been agreed that the placement is to last until the child or young person is 18 years old).
A visit must also be made following a reasonable request from the carer or the child.
If a child is placed with a Family & Friends carer (Connected Person) with temporary approval visits must take place at least once a week until the first review and thereafter of intervals no more than 4 weeks. When the carer is fully approved visiting patterns are the same as all other placements.
The above also applies in the event of the child moving placement.
The child will usually be seen alone as well as with the carers. This may be outside the foster home, as this can help a child and their Social Worker to get to know each other, build up a relationship of trust and to ascertain that the child is feeling safe in their placement. The child’s social worker will also want to see the child’s bedroom.
Unannounced visits
Both Fostering Social Workers and Children’s Social Workers have a duty to make unannounced visits to your home, to understand what day to day life is like. Sometimes a child’s bedroom will be seen. Occasionally visits will take place when all the members of your household are at home.