Children coming to stay with you
If at all possible, introductions will take place prior to children coming to stay and will involve the child or young person, current carers and those with parental responsibility. Where this is not possible, the social worker for the child who is coming to stay with you, will receive a copy of your profile. The child’s social worker will discuss your profile with the child/ren to help them to be informed about the proposed plans.
It is the Childs Social Worker’s responsibility to ensure that you are provided with all the appropriate information and documentation relating to the child which has been appropriately signed and dated.
There are a number of documents relating to children’s care planning that you should receive a copy of. The following is a summary:-
- Placement Information Record:
To be given at or before the point of placement. Some information may be added following the placement agreement meeting.
- Child or Young Person’s Care Plan:
Usually agreed at the first Child in Care review meeting for the child. Outlines different aspects of the plan for the child whilst in placement along with the overall aims of the placement.
- Statutory Care Plan Review:
The outcomes of the child and young person’s care plan is reviewed every 6 months (or earlier if the care plan is changed) and changes to the care plan are agreed.
This is completed as the young person moves towards independence and considers the plan for their transition into adulthood.
In addition to these documents which will be provided by the child’s social worker you will also receive a copy of the Risk and Match Documentfrom placement referrals. These are sent either by email, post or through the secure transfer portal. The document identifies any immediate risks that the placement service (duty) has been made aware of at the time that the placement was requested. A more comprehensive risk assessment should be discussed at the Placement Planning Meeting. This document also evaluates the impact the placement may have on your household and makes recommendations to support you.
For households in which there are children with disabilities and complex needs, in addition to the completion of the risk and matching document a Well Being Plan for the childwill be completed to consider the overall impact of the care needs of each of the children in the household.
- Individual Safer Care Plan:
An Individual Safer Caring Plan must be completed for each child in placement, taking into account the specific needs of the child and everyone else living in the foster home.
Where there are significant risks in a placement a Risk Assessmentwill be drawn up between yourselves, your Fostering Social Worker and the child’s social worker.
A Placement Planning Meeting, to agree the day to day arrangements of the placement, must take place either before the placement or within 3 working days. A Placement Planwill be completed at this meeting and will set out the department’s expectations of your role and responsibilities. If a child moves placement a new Placement Planning meeting will be held.
- Initial Health Assessment:
At this early stage the Initial Health Assessment should be discussed, and arrangements made for it to take place, either through your GP or another medical professional - See the ‘Being Healthy’ section for more information.
It may be appropriate for you to have additional documents, such as court reports; copies of minutes of family conference meetings and previous review documents during the last 12 months or earlier if this is relevant.
All confidential information must be kept in the lockable metal box provided to you by the Fostering Service.