Children's reviews
A review is held within 28 days of a child’s placement. A further review is held at 4 months from the date of placement. Reviews are then held at 6 month intervals. Where there is a placement change the established reviewing process will continue and only start afresh where there is a change to the child’s ‘Care Plan’.
In preparation for each child’s review, Foster Carers, children and parents will receive a consultation document to complete. This will be part of the discussion at the review.
Children aged over 4 years are encouraged to participate in their reviews and to communicate their wishes and feelings about their care arrangements. Foster carers are expected to support and encourage children and young people to get involved in the meetings. It can also be helpful to support them in completing their consultation booklet. It is important that all children and young people are supported to participate in the decision making processes that affect their lives.
Reviews will take place in your home, unless it is inappropriate to do so.