Why transfer to Foster for Staffordshire?
Foster for Staffordshire are Staffordshire County Council’s Local Authority fostering service, and we are legally responsible for the safeguarding of all looked after children in the Staffordshire area.
Reasons to transfer to us
If you live in Staffordshire and are looking to transfer to a different foster agency, here’s why you should get in touch with our friendly team for a chat.
We don’t profit from fostering
Foster for Staffordshire is run by Staffordshire County Council, which does not make any profit from fostering.
There are three types of fostering providers in the UK; Local Authority, Private and Not-For-Profit. Private fostering agencies can be run as businesses to maximise their return on investment for their shareholders.
Every penny allocated to our fostering department is spent on achieving the best outcomes for the children in care, and not for profit or for shareholders.
Fostering pay
We can match the rates you are being paid by your current foster agency if you were to transfer to us with Staffordshire children. We offer payment for skills and most people transfer over to us at level 3 or level 4 depending on their skills level.
If you want to find out more about payment information, then visit our Fostering Payments page.
Training and support
As you’ll be transferring to us from another agency, we can provide you with any additional fostering support you need to develop your professional skills during your fostering career.
If you decide to transfer to become a Foster for Staffordshire foster carer, you will be part of a large team. You’ll be in contact with your own fostering Social Worker, who will be there to support and advise you along the way.
As we’re all part of a local team, there are plenty of Staffordshire foster carers that live near you who are part of support groups, meaning you won’t need to travel far to receive the support you require.
Talk to us
If you’re still unsure about transferring to Foster for Staffordshire, then please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information. A member of our team will be more than happy to talk you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
If you’re thinking about transferring fostering agencies to Foster for Staffordshire, please get in touch with our team or complete the enquiry form below.