First Aid
- A well stocked First Aid kit for minor injuries should be readily available.
- A well stocked First Aid Kit should consist of the following items:
- A leaflet giving general guidance on first aid
- Individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings (assorted plaster sizes)
- Sterile eye pads
- Individually wrapped triangular bandages (which should be sterile)
- Safety pins
- Medium sized (12cm x 12cm) individually wrapped sterile un-medicated wound dressings
- Large (18cm x 18cm) sterile individually wrapped un-medicated wound dressings
- Non latex powder free disposable gloves.
- Your local GP’s surgery telephone number should be kept with the First Aid kit or another suitable location for quick easy access.
- If you suspect a broken bone or spinal injury, never try to move a child unless he/she is in danger.
- You should not attempt to give First Aid for which you have not been trained.
(First Aid training is a core training requirement for all foster carers)