Infection Control
- Disposable powder-free gloves must be worn when giving personal care or when in contact with bodily fluids. These must only be used once and disposed of appropriately.
- Cover any minor cuts with a waterproof dressing.
- Use separate cleaning cloths for kitchens and toilets.
- Wash hands thoroughly before and after tasks, even if you have worn gloves.
- Rubber gloves should be washed in warm soapy water after use.
- Toothbrushes and razors should not be shared.
- Spillages of bodily fluids should be cleared up as quickly as possible, using paper towels or similar and disposed of in a plastic bag prior to placing in the outside bin. Dispose of continence pads in the same way.
- Areas affected by a spillage should be cleaned thoroughly with soap/hot water and disinfectant.
- Do not wear sharp jewellery when providing personal care tasks.
Hand preparation increases the effectiveness of decontamination. You should:
- Keep nails short, clean and polish free
- Avoid wearing jewellery, especially rings with ridges or stones
- Avoid artificial nails
- Any cuts and abrasions should be covered with a waterproof dressing.
Remove your wristwatch and any bracelets and roll up long sleeves before washing your hands.