Compliments and Complaints
Foster Carers are frequently complimented by Children’s Social Workers, other professionals and parents. All compliments are noted on your file and can be used in your development portfolio.
On receipt of a complaint made in writing or verbally, the matter must be forwarded to the Customer Feedback and Complaints Team for consideration.
1. Complaints from Foster Carers:
1.1 Foster carers who wish to complain about the service they receive from Families First are entitled to access the Statutory Complaints Procedure.
2. Complaints against Foster Carers:
2.1 Complaints about foster carers may be made by the child, parents, teacher, social workers any other professionals, or they can be anonymous.
3. Safeguarding:
3.1 If the complaint contains concerns regarding the welfare of a child, the matter will be reported immediately to the First Response Team or to the appropriate County Manager.
4. Allegations, Complaints and Cause for Concern about Foster Carers and Prospective Adopters:
4.1 Where a complaint is with regards to an allegation, as defined under Section 47, the procedure set out in Part Five, Section 1 - Allegations about Foster Carers Policy should be followed.
5. Statutory Complaints Procedure:
5.1 The Local Authority has a statutory obligation to operate a complaints and representations procedure which is in line with the Children Act (1989) Representation Procedure (England) Regulations (2006) and the accompanying guidance ‘Getting the Best from Complaints’ (2006).
5.2 The procedure has 3 stages:
- Stage 1 – Local Resolution (Timescale 10 - 20 working days).
The complaint is addressed by the Team Manager/County Manager of the service which is the subject of the complaint.
Once the complaint has been accepted into the procedure, the Customer Feedback and Complaints Team will forward the complaint to the relevant Team Manager/County Manager with instructions for investigating and responding to the complaint.
- Stage 2 – Investigation (Timescale 25 – 65 working days)
An Independent Investigating Officer is appointed to investigate the concerns. In addition, an ‘Independent Person’ will work alongside the Officer to ensure the investigation is fair and thorough. A report will be produced by the Investigating Officer together with a report from the Independent Person. Both reports will then be sent to the appropriate Strategic Lead who will consider the findings of the investigation and produce a response to the complainant from the Local Authority.
- Stage 3 – Complaints Review Panel
If the complainant remains dissatisfied following the Stage 2 investigation they can request that their complaints are reviewed by a Complaints Review Panel. The panel is comprised of 3 independent people and their role is to review the investigation at Stage 2 to see if the investigation was carried out fairly and thoroughly. The panel does not re-investigate the complaints.
The Customer Feedback and Complaints Team operate a screening process which is applied to all complaints and representations that are received. This process involves establishing the eligibility of the complainant to access the Statutory Complaints Procedure, defining the complaints and desired outcomes.
All complaints are recorded on the Customer Feedback and Complaints Team database, including the outcome of the investigation and organisational learning and service improvements which have resulted from a complaint. Recommendations made following Stage 2 and Stage 3 of the process are closely monitored by the Customer Feedback and Complaints Team via an ‘action plan’ to ensure that they are completed in a timely manner with evidence to support the completion.
6. The Local Government Ombudsman:
6.1 The complainant has the right, at any time during the procedure, to refer their complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman for consideration.
6.2 The aim of the Statutory Complaints Procedure is to:
- establish a fair and accessible process
- ensure a swift and satisfactory resolution at local level
- monitor the Local Authority’s complaints handling
- learn from complaints, and use this learning to inform service improvements.
7. Complaints against Independent Foster Care Agencies:
7.1 A complaint regarding Independent Foster Carers should be sent to the relevant manager for that agency in order for matters to be addressed and responded to under their own procedure.
8. Complaints made on behalf of a child or young person:
8.1 The Looked after Children ‘U Packs’, issued to all children who are looked after, will contain information and contact numbers explaining how a complaint can be made.
8.2 Foster Carers can also make a complaint to the Customer Feedback and Complaints Team on behalf of the child or young person.
8.3 The NSPCC offers an advocacy service for children and young people. An advocate can act on behalf of the child or young person and can provide independent and confidential information, advice and support in making a complaint.
9. Further Information:
9.1 Further information about the complaints procedures can be obtained by phoning the Customer Feedback and Complaints Team – 01785 278601).