Support Groups
Attending support groups is an important part of all Foster Carers development. You can attend whichever group you like or more than one. They are held regularly and are on different days so you can choose what suits you. Groups are run both face to face at locations across Staffordshire and also virtually on Microsoft Teams. We also offer groups in the evening.
As well as being a forum to exchange views, to share ideas, learn from each other and to gain invaluable support from your peers, support groups also provide an opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills. All the support groups throughout the county are different and it is important that Foster Carers are able to devise the agenda for their group according to the individual group’s priorities. Alongside this there is a general agenda which all of the support groups will cover which includes visiting speakers.
Details of the current support groups can be found in the training catalogue.
Family & Friends Carers are also able to access specific support groups as can Disability Short Breaks Carers. Please contact your Fostering Social Worker or Disability Fostering Social Worker for details, however any carer is welcome to attend the general support groups.
Some carers have asked to be supported in arranging informal support groups with fellow carers in their local area. If you are interested in arranging such a group, please speak in the first instance to your Fostering Social Worker.
Foster carers are expected to attend support groups.