Independent Review Mechanism (IRM)
The IRM is a review process which prospective or existing foster carers can use if they do not agree with the Qualifying Determination (the Agency Decision and the reasons for making the decision).
The IRM is a review panel which is independent of Fostering Service Providers. The IRM can review your suitability as a prospective foster carer to foster a child, review any changes proposed to your terms of approval and can make new recommendations to the agency on your suitability and term of approval.
Independent Review Mechanism - GOV.UK (
For more information contact:
Independent Review Mechanism
Regent Business Hub
4, Pavilion Business Park
Royds Hall Road
LS12 6AJ
United Kingdom
0845 450 3956 (charged at local rate) or 0113 2022080
Phone lines are open between 9.30am and 12.30pm, Monday to Friday. Where possible, consider contacting us by email.