Qualifying Determination
In circumstances where the Fostering Service has concerns about a foster carer’s continued suitability to foster, a full report of the circumstances will be given to the carers and presented to the Fostering Panel. In these circumstances foster carers will be able to provide their own report and have someone to support them at Panel. Foster carers can attend the Fostering Panel. Following the Panel’s recommendation, the Agency Decision Maker will either agree or overturn the Panel’s recommendation.
The foster carer will receive a letter giving a full account of how the Agency Decision Maker has reached their decision. This is known as a Qualifying Determination.
If you do not agree with the recommendation of the Foster Panel and the decision of the Agency Decision Maker relating to your approval (e.g. deregistration, or not agreeing to a change in approval).
You may make representation to the Fostering Service to review the recommendation
Apply to the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM) for a review of the Fostering Service recommendation
You will have 28 days from the date of the Fostering Service letter to make your decision and to notify either the Fostering Service Manager if you are going through option 1, or the Contract Manager at the IRM for option 2.
You will receive a leaflet informing you of both of these options with the letter.